Forms and Waivers to be completed after Registration

When registered for any sports programs, programs that may take trips outside of the centre, or programs that explicitly state the requirement of completed forms, you must complete and hand in the following form at least two office days before the start of the program. Please provide the completed forms to the instructor or front office.

Park Board Waiver, Release, and Indemnity Form

Children/Youth: Waiver Form
Adult/Senior: Waiver Form

Senior Out Trips (Spring 2023): 19+yrs Waiver Form – Seniors (Spring 2023)

Financial Assistance for Programs Request Form

The Directors of the Renfrew Park Community Association want to ensure the greatest possible inclusion and interaction of the community in a meaningful way. As such, cost should never be a barrier to participation in our Community Centre programs. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out and contact us.

Financial Assistance Request Form

Completed forms can be dropped off to staff at the front office.